Using XBee Pro 802.15.4 S1 (2.4GHz), Sparkfun Xplorer regulated board, ArduPlane 6.5 APM2.0 and APM 2.5

Using the same paired XBees, I have no problem establishing a telemetry link with an APM 2.0.

I use the same pair of XBees, hooked up to an APM 2.5 board with the same firmware, and I can not establish a link.

When initializing, board flashes blue (C LED) twice, then orange (B LED) once, while Tx LED flashes at high frequency, and Rx LED flashes at lower frequency.

Any suggestions are appreciated

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  • Could you teach me how to program the apm to set up comm between Xcut and apm? Thanks a lot~

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