Can't get in the air.

It has been awhile since my quadcopter has flown and I am having trouble getting started again. First, I got an error 99, bad compass health... Even though I have never had trouble with my compass. I reloaded firmware (and switched to ArduRover and back to ArduCopter... Per a thread that fixed a similar issue for someone else).Finally, I got everything recalibrate, except for the compass, so I disabled the compass check for ARMING.The props spin fine and I know everything is connected correctly as I haven't changed anything (other than firmware) since I last flew.I tried flying twice in stableize mode. The first time it started to flip over to the right. The second time I held the control slightly to the left to compensate. It looked like this was working, so I gave it a little more throttle and it flipped forward (almost upside down) and busted a propellor.Any ideas what might be going wrong?Thank you.

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  • Is the arrow on your FC to the front of the copter? 

    I had this once before because i forgot to get the AHRS_ORIENTATION parameter after a wipe wrong. This can cause the copter to flip immediately after takeoff

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