I did my first flight of my ArduCopter 2 with APM 1.0 last week (after a 9 month off and on build with my son).
It all went pretty well, only a few broken blades, but it did stabilize pretty well.
To help analyze things, I am trying to get the logs to work, but the MP (v1.1.16) locks up whenever I click on "Log Download" or type "logs" in the CLI. I am using 2.1.0 Alpha. I can seem to do everything else in the CLI, tests, motors command, radio, etc, and I have the CLI switch set to the left, toward the pins. attached is a screen shot showing what happens. I get a "Comport thread close" and then I can't do anymore commands.
I tried the same thing using CoolTerm, and "logs" command does the same thing in that terminal window as well.
Any ideas?
Logs are disabled to save memory on APM 1.0 boards with 1280 processors.