Update: Cannot hover after 2.9.1 FW upgrade


Update: Newbie pilot error.  Accelerometers were not calibrated correctly. Leveled frame and APM, recalibrated accelerometers and can now hover stably  in stable mode.  Reloaded FW 2.9 and hover shows no remarkable differences.  Conclusion: In my case there is no difference between 2.9 and 2.9.1 in stable mode hover.


First and foremost, my thanks to the dev team on a great job!

Second and hindmost,  my newbie  question:


Is this procedure for auto trim still valid with 2.9.1 ?


Auto Trim

With auto trim the roll and pitch trim are captured as you fly in a stable hover.

1. Find a wind free environment with sufficient space to fly your copter without crashing into something.

2. Hold throttle down and rudder right for 15seconds or until you see the small red, blue and yellow leds flash in a cyclic patter.

3. Fly your copter for about 25 seconds in a stable hover

4. Land and put your throttle to zero and wait for a few seconds (the trims are being saved to eeprom)

5. Take off again in stabilize mode and check if your copter is flying level now. If not repeat steps 2, 3 and 4.


If yes, then I cannot get it to work .  Sometimes it does not arm.  If I do manage to get a decent hover, when I restart again,  there is either no noticeable change or the copter flies even worse!  The more I try, the more divergent the behavior becomes.  At least twice, copter would just nose down at take off and the forward motor would stop.  The copter typically  takes off to the left –rear.


I had flown this exact same configuration with the OEM firmware (I do not have version number, but APM was received on 12/12/12) and after  calibrating each ESC individually, was hovering virtually hands off for 20 minutes at a time.  After about six flights, I upgraded to 2.9.1 and it has been down hill ever since.


My setup:  + quad, 1 Kg flying weight, 1120 Kv motors, 9x4.5 props, hovers at 30% throttle, regulated AC power supply on tether, APM 2.5,  FW 2.9.1, MP  1.2.35,  compass & auto declination enabled, no GPS, sonar , telemetry, etc., motors, frame and props balanced, all parms at default, stability mode, radio calibrated, no failsafe, zero trims on Tx, accelerometers set up with 6 point method, no crash damage, no overheating,  I have no channel 7 on Tx.


Summary:  Hovered virtually hands off on previous firmware :-),  pilot overloaded  and grumpy when hovering in 2.9.1  :-(


Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Go back to 2.8.1 a lot have gone up and experienced problems here and there. Best to wait for 2.9.2 when a lot of these issues are resolved. I went back on 1 of 4 of my craft the benefits were not equal to the new challenges the upgrade brought. When a platform goes through a major change like 2.9 introduced it should be expected that there will be challenges. Clearly for some there are. Just my 2 cents. One of my craft just became a headache with the upgrade, others like my hexacopter and octo became much much better on 2.9.1 so it is hit or miss right now. 2.8.1 is a fabulous release do not feel behind by going back, if it worked well for you then do not change what is working. It's all about flight time and learning and mastering the craft, tuning and the mission planner.
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