
  • I havent modified any setting nor configured it by myself, so should be communicating at 38,4Kbaud and it has a nmea refresh rate of 4hz,as stated in the configuration file.
    It is now in stock at sparkfun,
    Hope this infos can help you giving me hints to diagnose the problem
    many thanks, ludovico
  • I don`t have those wires, couold this be the problem that prevents me from getting gps lock?
    if I solder them following instructions, will I be still able to run ardupilot 2.4.xx if i want to?
    tnks so much
  • 3D Robotics
    You'll have to give us more info to diagnose, but for starters upgrade to 2.6, and ensure that you've got the right setting in the config file. Also remember that the bind plug process was removed in 2.5 and above. You should now have the two jumper wires soldered on the bottom of the board and let ArduPilot control the throttle.
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