CH PRO joystick Yaw

Good day everyone.

I am building my first drone using Pixhawk and want to test it this weekend. 

I have the SIK radios for the telemetry link and will be using my CH PRO fighter joystick to control the drone. 

The joystick however does not have any yaw capabilities so I have assigned YAW to the HAT switch

I have the following questions if you can bare with me.

I see that unlike normal axis when you press the HAT switch that the "axis" does not re center and that you have to press the hat switch in the opposite direction to center again.

Is there a way to change this behavior so that the axis re centers after the HAT switch is released?

Is there a way that YAW can be assigned to any other button rather than the HAT switch?

Secondly I have noticed that when commands are assigned to buttons there are two setting right at the bottom of the drop down menu that says. Button axis 0 and button axis 1. what is this for?

Thank you for taking the time to read my post

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