CH6_RATE_KP tuning not working

Hi everyone,

I've been trying to use the CH6 tuning option with no luck.  I've set the CH6 option to CH6_RATE_KP and set the min and max values to 0.10 & 0.14 respectively before clicking Write Params. 


The result is that I either get 0.1 or 0.14 but nothing in between.  Verifying this in the terminal window under tune, confirms that these are the only two values being recorded.


I've used the CH6 option to control my nacelle with no problems, so I'm not sure why it wouldn't work.

I'm using MP version 1.1.96 and arducopter 2.6

Thanks for any suggestions

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  • Hi Rigel,


    Did you get an answer to this?


    I'm trying to do the same on my Futaba using one of the dials and if i set the min to 0.004 and the Max to 0.010 for example, a single click to the left or right of the dials takes it to the min or max values.  There seems to be no scaling on the dial.


    Many thanks,



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