Hi Guys
Can anyone tell me how to use Tx channel 7 to calibrate my throttle?
I have seen a couple of references to this but have not seen any instructions on how to do it. Do I need to connect channel 7 output from the receiver or is it a mix on the tx .....
Thank you in advance ....
Just connect your receiver output ch7 to input ch7 and use a on - off switch or better a momentary switch on the transmitter.
I'm not sure it is actually enabled in the code because some users did fly with Ch7 high without knowing it. This caused problems.
Here is the informations you can read in the readme file :
"ch7 = use to set throttle hold value while hovering (quick toggle), hold to trim in air values - don't use your radio's trims!"
You can read this as well inside ArducopterMega.pde file :
"7 = trainer switch - sets throttle nominal (toggle switch), sets accels to Level (hold > 1 second)"
I'd like to have more informations about this toy as well.