Hi all,
I am configuring my Skyartec Skyfun with APM and Oilpan. I have the system set up so all channels operate correctly in manual flight mode (APM not engaged) but as soon as I switch to stabilise or FBW, although the APM responds correctly in terms of stabilisation, my r/c channels become horribly confused and my pitch and roll channels switch (left/right stick becomes pitch and up/down stick becomes roll). It reverts to correct sense as soon as I disengage APM.
Any help appreciated,
Thanks for your fast response.
Yes, I am using sample config shown here : http://ardupilot-mega.googlecode.com/svn/ArduPilotMegaImages/elevon...
I think I have solved it. Initially, I re-used an old profile in my Airtronics / Sanwa RDS8000 radio. I have reset the profile and built from scratch and it's fine. I think there was an incorrect parameter buried somewhere in one of the menus.
Again, thanks for your help - always appreciated.