I'm trying to performing geotagging photo in MP on my UAV (x8) using a Home made chdk cable for canon (A470) i Use chdk 1.2 with a script KAP UAV ver 3.2 . . I use Pixhawk , the home made chdk usb cable is done using HK led control cable. Everything goes and testing on fly data page of MP the "trig now camera" the camera shots not just one shot, but several, sometimes 3, sometimes 5.... non sense...
I belive something is wrong i have made some little variations in camera triggering PWM parameters in MP but with no efforts ? i also worked addyng a sleep time of one second, but always the camera shots several times... and then stop. I manually trig from the laptop (trig camera now) and several random shots start...
I have powered the main out of pixhawk with a 5v bec and i have no used ste-up converter, the cable works (too much..)
any idea where i'm wrong ?
attached the script i use, (that works great as intervalometer...)
The latest version of this script ( 3.4 ) greatly increases the precision of the PWM input to the camera using the new CHDK high precision timer capability. So if you are having issues with decoding the signal from your Pixhawk, I would recommend trying the latest script version first.
thanks Walter I will try asap your suggestions.
all the best