Cheap Prop Balancing Solution



So I went to my local HS yesterday to look for a prop balancer.  They had a DU-Bro version with magnets for R380.00 or around $54 if you like.  I decided for what it was, it was a bit of a rip so decided to purchase the much cheaper thumb prop balancer instead which cost around R40.00 or around $6.


What I did was use my desk vice and clamped a G clamp in there.  I took hard drive magnets and put one on either end of the G clamp.  You will notice in the video that only one side of the thumb balancer is touching a magnet and the otherside his held up my magnetic force.


Cheap solution, easy rig.. no mess no fuss.




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  • Now thats low friction. :)

    Great idea. Thanks!

  • @ Mike,


    It just centers itself and stays level. I just swopped out props and carried on like it was a store bought product.  Other than my original TX hack with the stepping change to make throttle stick smooth by removing the ratchet from like 10 years ago... this has got to be one of my better hacks.  It just works!




  • Moderator

    How difficult is it to ensure that it is level? Does it always come back to level when you swap in a prop, or does it take a bit of adjusting?

  • Moderator

    Oh, hey, great idea!

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