Circling in loiter

I'm flying my first build and when in the loiter mode it circles. Starts small a few feet but spirals outwards. A couple of circles and its out to 20-30'. The yaw does not change, it continues to point in the same direction. It flys in stabilize nicely, I'm very happy with its performance and response to controls. I don't arm until I have a steady blue led. It's a FY450 with an APM 2.6 w gps. I have calibrated the compass and accelerometers a couple of times. The first time inside my steel shed, then again outdoors in the open. Where do I start to look? I'd like to try waypoints but not until the loiter is stable.

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  • Something in your frame is affecting your compass, Do you have an external compass? Can you share a photo of your copter and a Log is usefull too.

    • Here's a photo. I'm not up to speed on logs yet.


      • It's look that you have an ext compass on a mast, don't try to fly Wps until you solve the issue or you are in risk to crash, try to calibrate compass again, then check in Mission planner if compass is pointing to the correct side and no moves when you give throttle, try compass mot.

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Santiago Perez liked Santiago Perez's profile
22 hours ago