
CLI fails on 1.2.56, fine on 1.2.53

I have two laptops, one running 1.2.56 and one running 1.2.53.  On the .56 one, whenever I try to go into CLI with either of my copters, the CLI just spits up random characters.  I tried both copters on .53, and they can both CLI fine.  Both copters can connect over USB and 3DR for telemetry, but they can't connect to 1.2.56 for CLI.  Thought I'd report this, I'll just use .53 to download my logs for now.

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  • Developer

    1.2.56 has a cli bug, will be fixed in next version

  • I got this too! Only way I got it working was to unplug APM, shut MP, plug APM in, open MP but don't connect, go to CLI and straight away click log download. Done this 2 or 3 times now...


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