CMU CAM on line follower Arducopter

Hi guys


I have a fully assembled mini-arducopter. I want to use Cmucam on my arducopter to implement line-follower. My concern is if the cmu cam can actually detect the line underneath when my arducopter hovers in the air. Because i can't seem to find a video or information on this.

Please advice.

Any input will be deeply appreciated.




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  • Distributor

    DO you mean you cant find any video of an arducopter peforming line following?  I would recommend that you attach your CMU cam/ or another camera onto your arducopter, and just record the video stream and then try to do line detection off-line on that video file, once you got that working over a variety of scenarios then I would say you will need to connect it up and send commands to Arducopter via MAVlink from your processed CMU cam images


    As always the best thing is to just test it before on a separate video you recorded before testing your Arducopter frame setup as this will identify if it is possible and feasable and reduce crashes :P.  Hope that helps abit :)

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