Collecting data for new IMU Design



  I work with Love Electronics in the UK, providing breakout boards and development resources in the UK and Europe.

  I've noticed a lot of people bringing out new IMU boards recently, but with many people who would purchase them asking for additional features/modifications. I have a design I would like to implement, and would love some feedback at this stage to improve the product before its release.

  Here are the current details:

  • 3 Axis Accelerometer (ADXL346)
  • 3 Axis Gyroscope (TBD)
  • 3 Axis Magnetometer (HMC5883L)
  • Pressure Sensor (BMP085)
  • Real Time Clock (TBD)
  • Temperature Sensor (TBD)
  • GPS Header
  • XBee Header
  • Output data over I2C, SPI and Serial
  • Input interrupts
  • Lightweight
  • Low power

  My questions would be, often people are asking for the following features, would people be prepared to pay for these extra features, or are they not a deal-breaker for an IMU purchase?

  • Micro SD Card
  • PWM Headers (With 5V, Signal, GND)
  • Power Regulation (Provide 12, 5, 3.3V to external circuits)
  • JTAG Exposed

   The main point of contention is usually the microcontroller on the board. A lot of people prefer an ATMega328, for use with the Arduino enviroment, however a lot of other people would prefer something a little more pokey, like an ARM7. Also, some people would rather there wasn't a microcontroller, just outputs so that people can add their own, what is your take on this?


    I would really appreciate some feedback from the community here at, since you guys seem to know a good IMU when you see one!




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  • James,


    seems you are not even sure if is this going to be a AHRS or just a breakout board for a couple of sensors?


    If I were you, I would do some research, then compare features of existing and upcoming IMUs, and then think about what niche to go for.


    Things you did not even menion, but are very important:

    - License

    - Open source or not

    - Firmware capabilities

    - Arduino IDE compatible? Plugins needed? Provided?

    - In case you plan on "some kind of visualization software": Operating systems supported? "Windows only" is a no-no.


    From my experience a 328 is to small.

    Once the AHRS is loaded there is nearly no space left for extra code.

    SD card please. Micro SD is just to small.




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