We are running ARducopter_34 on a traditional heli setup. Stabalize mode works awesome but Alt_Hold is still not working that well. We're working through this issue, but we noticed that when we transition from Alt_Hold to Stabalize the collective is VERY SLOW to respond to stick inputs.
For instance, if we are in Alt_Hold and then switch to STB and push the collective stick to full positive, it takes the blades nearly 5 seconds to reach full pitch. If we pull the collective down, the blades respond quickly, but then if we push the stick back to full positive, the blades are quick to respond until they get to their previous 'max', then they slow down again as they move to full positive.
We haven't actually put the heli into Alt_Hold in the air yet as we don't feel confident we can recover in event of a problem (i.e. Alt_Hold sending the heli in a hard decent or accent).
Does anyone have any thoughts or experience with this?