Hi everyone,

I would need some help in using and maybe modyfuying PixHawk. I will at first explain my problem:

I would like to implement objects tracking guidance algorithm on my UAV. It is a TiltQuadRotor UAV - that means quadcopter whose rotors can be tilted so that linear movement in x-axis of the quadcopter can be controlled withouth change of pitch angle attitude. I hope I explained that clear enough. I add the photos of my design in this topic so that You can understand the concept clearly. 

In order to track the objects I want to use a PixyCamera, so that I do not have to implement any computer vision algorithms myself. Camera outputs four information about the objects based on its color: position of the centroid of the object in x and y axis, and its width and height. This camera works easily with arduino-  I mean that libraries are written. 

The things that I need in order to complete my task is: 
- to implement guidance algorithm and take feedback from the PixyCamera

- to have autopilot that is able to obtain reference commands - outputed from my guidance law

My idea to complete it is to use arduino to get data from my camera and implement my guidance there. The reference values from guidance are: pitch roll and yaw angles and altitude. I would like to send that reference values to PixHawk so that it controls the dynamics of the UAV. 
On the other hand I would also like to be able to send some information to arduino from PixHawk - I mean GPS and IMU data. 

I have all the hardware ready. I would just need to learn how to do that.
To conclude, could You tell me how to:

- put reference commands (attitude angles and altitude) into PixHawk from Arduino ?
- send GPS and IMU data from PixHawk to Arduino

Any help would be appreciated


DSCN2103 — kopia.JPG

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