My logs show
Test: Compass = GOOD - No MAG data, unable to test mag_field interference
everything else is good.
In mission planner I can see the heading change when moving the copter and loiter seems to work ok, but Auto declination doesn't get anywhere near the right value so I have to manually enter it and compassmot always gets 140% and up. The apm is about an inch above the pdb which is a built in pcb and the escs are under the motors.
I was using a multiwii board with internal compass as well in the exact same spot and had no issues. I'm finding arducopter to be more unpredictable and much harder to set up so far.
Can anyone shed some light how I have a good compass but no data?
I have added an external compass and compassmot reads 2% now but when running compass calibration it says not enough data points previously it only asked for about 500 but now it needs 120 000, why? Loiter performance is pretty much identical and acceptable unless yawing then it will drift all over the place for a second. I still can't find where to enable compass logging in dataflash? I still get compass good no data?