Compass interference still high

I just switched over to 3.0 and watched the videos that were recommended. I completed the AC3.0 Compassmot Setup with the setup and results shown below:3691032976?profile=original


According to the video, anything over 30% is too high. After getting 67%, I replaced the short spacers with tall spacers to move the APM further away. The new setup and results are shown below.


3691033013?profile=originalEven with the APM higher, I still get 37%. What else can I do to get this number below 30%?

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  • Mine registered 63%, but is flying fine - no toilet bowl effect. I don't plan on taking any action until it causes a problem.



  • As you can see in the pics, I have a 3DR radio attached above the APM. Will this contribute to the mag field?

    Also, would it help if I mounted the ESCs to the bottom of the arms rather than the sides?

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