Compass offset 0 0 0


I am new to the hobby and have recently built my first quadrotor equipped with a PixHawk

After calibrating the compass with the Live Calibration in mission planner it sets the offsets to 0 0 0. On the flight data screen, the orientation of my vehicle is incorrect on the map. This is a brand new pixhawk, could I have a bad compass on board? I have ran the calibration a dozen times or so with the same result. One time it set the offsets to 1 1 1. Any help is appreciated!!


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  • again is there a solution to this problem? is it to use APM 2.0 instead?

    • I have not tried in the higher versions of Mission Planner, but if you have a problem, use APM Planner 2.0

  • Ok, I think it's a bug in mission planner 1.2.99. I have calibrated the compass in APM Planner 2 and already have different values ​​of 0 0 0, that is something I was acostubrando see.


  • happens to me the same. Change my ESC and motor and reconfigure the compass the offset parameters are 0 0 0, loiter mode does not work. I have my plate campiado APM APM 2.5 by 2.6 with external compass and have the same problem. Is there any solution?

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