I've purchased the ArduPilot and IMU board and the MediaTek GPS. Im in the first stages of getting things going.
The ArduPilot was pretty easy to download to, but Im having problems downloading the firmware to the IMU. I have followed the tutorial to the letter.
I have now tried 4 versions of the IMU code.....
V1.8, 1.8.1 and 1.8.2 all complain about the first line(s) of code. The error is "cannot declare variable serial to be of abstract type "fast serial"
So I downloaded V1.7 It compiles but I am using a MediaTek GPS, so I turn off Performance Reporting. when I change that to 0, it doesnt compile any more, with an error:
mainloop_count was not declared in this scope
With every firmware change, I update the libraries to the ones within the zip package, but they all seem to be missing something. Is there a problem with the zip files?
Cheers, Phil