Complete EasyStar Parts list

Hello All,After a couple of crashes, I've had to rebuild this a few times. Also, since I'm new to this, I have a lot of the orders laying around. I searched and didn't find this as succinct, so I thought I'd post it.This is a complete parts list with URLs and prices for a ground up build of an EasyStar with Ardupilot.I'm a cheap bastard, so the list will generally reflect that.It includes Tx/Rx, Motor, Battery with Ardupilot, sensors, shield, GPS and Xbee telemetry.


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  • I just put together a list of my own very similar to this. Mine is also based on the Easystar but yours is about $300 cheaper. Perhaps I will have to see where I went wrong. But I like the idea of spending $300 less than expected ;)
  • So you need an Ardupilot and an Ardupilot shield to fly?
  • I still need to buy arduino right?
  • Great list. I've been looking to make my own UAV, and I couldn't find a list with all the neccessary componenets. Cheers!
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