Configure Throttle PWM - APM 2.8


I got Hobbywings platinum 30A  ESC-s.

When they are connected to the Rediolink R9D reciever, they work fine.

If I connect them to APM 2.8 - they does not like the input (throttle) pulses.

I measured the R9D pulse period - 14 ms (71 Hz).

By moving throttle stick of the transciver the pulse width changes from 2 to 8  ms.

I  decided to change parameters of APM trying to set the same pulse widtches as these of the receiver, to get them recognizeable for ESC-s .

The parameter RC_SPEED is now set to 71 Hz.

As expected, the frequency of APM throttle output changed to 71 Hz.

Unfortunatelly, the pulse widthes  (from min to max throttle) vary between 1 and 2 ms (between 2 and 8 ms as wanted).

Does  somebody know which parameters should I change to set these to be 2 to 8  ms.


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  • Sorry, I meant - Unfortunatelly, the pulse widthes  (from min to max throttle) vary between 1 and 2 ms (not between 2 and 8 ms as wanted).

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