Confusing of dataflash log NavBrg angle

I'm so confused about it. 

I graph the data of TargBrg, NavBrg. In my opinion, value of NavBrg should withing 0 and 360 degree, but NavBrg value is greater than 360 in fact.

Is there any thing wrong in parameter setting to APM or it's normal?

What's the mean about the degree is  greater than 360? 

Thanks a lot!!

Chih-Che Chang


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  • Hi 
    I trace code found that NavBrg is centi-degree. And range should within -18000 to 18000.
    But value of my NavBrg log is within 0 to 655.36.
    I still can not solve the question.

    Could anyone help me?

    Thanks a lot!!

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