We are the team of developers and working on the project where we try to design autonomous UAV.

We're currently using the following hardware:

1. ArduCopter Hexa Frame.
2. Ardupilot Mega 2.5 (APM 2.5).
3. Single board computer (SBC) with COM-port running Linux Arch.
The task for now is to get the data from APM to SBC and send the control commands. We've found the sample code mavlink_serial.cpp and use it now. The code works only in debug mode. When we launch the program we've got the following:
# ./mavlink_serial -d /dev/ttySAC3 --debug -b 57600
Received serial data: fe 09 a8 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 02 03 51 04 03 7f 11
Received message from serial with ID #0 (sys:1|comp:1):
Received serial data: fe 09 a9 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 02 03 51 04 03 95 6f
Received message from serial with ID #0 (sys:1|comp:1):
Received serial data: fe 09 aa 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 02 03 51 04 03 ab ec
Received message from serial with ID #0 (sys:1|comp:1):
The questions are:
  1. Why does the program work only in debug mode and we don't get message #105 as it should be?
  2. Can anyone show a short example of the code using the same UART settings as in the code but which requests the data from all sensors installed on APM as well as sends control commands?
  3. What is "sysid"? Where can we get the value?
Thank you in advance for your help!

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  • I am working on a similar project and was wondering if you managed to get the code to work? I think the issue was the code was not requesting attitude data stream. Ive tried including a line that should do that, but it still only gets the heartbeat messages.

    Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks!

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