control pixhawk without remote control ...

I build new drone F450 with pixhawk controller. 

Because of budget problems ... I ran out of money and i could not buy a remote control. 

I have a lot of experience with software develop so i decide to try to write a software that i will be able to control my drone F450 from my laptop. 

After building all the drone - i connected the battery and try to connect the drone thru telemetry ( one side on the drone and other side on the laptop )

The connection work and i can see the drone parameters thru 'mission planner'.

But i can't take off. 

I can't make the drone fly ...

I mean that i try to make the engine spin without propeller ... but this is not happening. 

What i did wrong ?

Is it possible to make the engine spin on this situation ? 

What to do next ? 

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