'Copter Assembly Questions

Assembling a 3DR quadcopter and reworking a Rover from last year and I have a couple of questions which aren't getting answered by the vendor so I thought I'd try here.

  1. On the 3DR quad the assembly directions for the PC board say to solder the two lead black/white cable to GND and 5V  but the picture shows them soldered to a location not marked GND / 5V.  Anybody know which is correct (or all the + on the board are the same?)
  2. The directions say, "Solder the wires to the positive and negative female leads of a male Deans

    connector or a male XT-60 connector (Both supplied in the kit)" but my battery (Turnigy nano-tech 5000mah 4S 45~90C Lipo Pack) just has what looks like two female bullet connectors.  Doesn't look anything like and of the connectors in the kit.

  3. I am replacing the magnetometer on a old 1.5x board being used for a rover.  The cable attachment failed so I am going to use the direct mount option.  Its not clear from the directions whether or not you need to modify the voltage jumper when you mount it directly.  The directions only mention it for the cable attachment but I assume you're supposed to do it regardless of which way you mount the board?

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  • 3D Robotics

    Hi John, 

    1. You need to solder that two wire cable to any of the + - terminals on the perimeter of the board (Don't solder to the two large pads labeled + and - on the center of the board as these will carry your battery voltage). These are pulling 5v from one of your escs to power your flight electronics. However if you have an APM 2.5 Power Module you wont need this cable.

    2. We ship with Deans and XT60 because they are the most popular connectors amongst our customers. Some hobby king batteries do ship with those big bullet connectors, in this case you can replace the connector on the battery or purchase the male version of your battery connector and solder it to your PDB.

    3. You shouldnt need to modify the jumper on the magnetometer board for it to work with APM. APM feeds 5v to the i2c port so the jumper in the mag should be on 5v.

    ill update the instructions for 1 & 2. Thanks


  • The battery connectors are described in the catalog as # "4mm bullet-connector" which is neither Deans or XT-60.  Suggestions?   Time for me to go shopping (again)?

  • Hey John - stumbled upon the same problems. I can help on 1. and 2.1. Follow the picture, not the directions;

    2. You must make sure you have the correct connector for your battery - if you don't, you can get male/female adapters for pretty much any combo, like XT-60 to bullet connectors, etc.

    Good luck :)

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