Copter Disarm Command Rejected

We have encountered an unexpected (at least to us) disarm behavior several times and would appreciate some help diagnosing the issue.  We attempted to send a disarm command from Mission Planner but the command was rejected ("Error: command rejected by MAV") as in the attached screenshot.  In this case it was during a battery failsafe condition where the vehicle was RTLing.  The vehicle was on or near the ground but was still armed when this issue occurred.  We haven't had the opportunity to test whether the same issue occurs in other modes.

We haven't seen this response in the past.  Is this normal behavior due to some new feature in either Mission Planner or ArduCopter?  If it is intentional, is there a way to override this behavior, i.e. some parameter that can be changed?  We would prefer the ability to disarm the vehicle at any time and in any mode as a safety feature that allows termination of the vehicle if ultimately required.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks! 

Vehicle: Iris

Arducopter version: 3.2.1

Mission Planner version: 1.3.20



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