Copter flips and crashes please help

Hi Guys,

I have been flying my newly scratch build Y6 for the past couple of weeks and everything was going better than planned. I have been playing with props and tuning and also figuring out my new brushless gimbal. 

Today I went out for some last test flights before going of to a trip to the desert to film some dune landscapes.

I was hovering along in Stabilized, having fun and chatting to someone standing next to me. I took my eyes of the copter for a second to look at my radio and when looking up again the copter was busy flipping over to the left and crashed.

Looking at the logs, I seams that they just stop?? If I read then correctly the last recorded height is 4 meters. This must of been the height from witch the copter fell.

What happened, who can help me? Was this a rear Lock up? or was it a brown out?

I am running.

New APM 2.5 Ublox

3DR power module with jumper removed.

30A Multistar ESC's Flashed

MT 4008 motors

4 Cell 5200mah pack

Nothing is connected to the APM other than the 6 Motors

Brushless Gimbal running direct.

At first we thought the battery went flat and my beeper is faulty, but after coming home I charged the battery and it took 3084mah with a cell voltage of 3.80V

Please have a look at my logs and let me know what you think.

2013-07-14 05-42 31.log

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  • Developer


         I think you've done as good a job as I can re the cause.  You've already identified that the logs just stop with your last recorded altitude being up in the air.  This is the classic sign of a brown out.  Theoretically logs suddenly ending can also be caused by a software failure but this is extremely unlikely considering that you're using 2.9.1b and in stabilize mode.  That's probably the simplest and most tested flight configurations we have.

    3692772654?profile=originalI guess you don't have the tlogs?  2.9.1b doesn't log the board voltage in the CURRENT message so the only way to get it is through the tlogs.

    Some other possible causes could be a loose power wire between the radio receiver and APM or maybe a faulty power module.

    We use to see brown-outs all the time but they've become much less frequent with the introduction of the 3dr power module.  I see you are using that though..

  • Sorry,

    Should have added that I am on 2.9.1b firmware.

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