Crash after failsafe.

Hello everybody. This is my first post although i was visiting forum often searching for info as i was building my first quad copter. I am extremely satisfied with performance but i had 3 crashes that was caused by failsafe. Twice because of GPS glitch and today because of battery failure. So far i could not identify problem. Let me just elaborate todays event. My bird fly very good today as i was switching thru different modes stabilize, atlthold, pos hold, one short 2 waypoint mission and even i tried follow me. Everything worked great than i let it hover about 1.5 meter above ground as i want to deplete battery because 1 cell on my new lipo was a bit unbalanced and wanted to give it full charge. Suddenly as pm reported below 20 % estimate failsafe kicked and by log quad went to land mode and flipped over. Same happend few days ago when failsafe kicked in because of mix of GPS glitches and RC control loss. Quad went to land mode and and plunder from 80 meters. Here is auto analysis:

Log File C:/Users/Alex/AppData/Local/Temp/tmp7418.tmp.log
Size (kb) 3571.755859375
No of lines 45844
Duration -7 days, 9:29:38
Vehicletype ArduCopter
Firmware Version V3.2
Firmware Hash c8e0f3e1
Hardware Type
Free Mem 0
Skipped Lines 0

Test: Autotune = UNKNOWN - No ATUN log data
Test: Balance/Twist = GOOD -
Test: Brownout = GOOD -
Test: Compass = GOOD - No MAG data, unable to test mag_field interference

Test: Dupe Log Data = GOOD -
Test: Empty = GOOD -
Test: Event/Failsafe = FAIL - ERRs found: FS_BATT FLT_MODE FS_THR
Test: GPS = FAIL - Min satellites: 0, Max HDop: 99.99
Test: IMU Mismatch = UNKNOWN - No IMU log data
Test: Parameters = GOOD -
Test: PM = FAIL - 81 slow loop lines found, max 13.76% on line 22084
Test: Pitch/Roll = FAIL - Pitch (-272.29, line 45438) > maximum lean angle (45.00)
Test: Thrust = GOOD -
Test: VCC = GOOD

Specs are : Daya 550 mm frame

APM 2.6 Arducopter3.2

Emax 3510 600 motors

12x5 " props

EMAX 4 in 1 30A ESC

5000 4S 25C LiPo

Power module

3DR Radio 

BTW throttle failsafe worked very good. I actually turned off transmitter to test it.

I have attached log file.

Anyone have some helpfull info or similar experiances. Thank you in advance

2014-11-29 15-30-06.log

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