The weather in my area is terrible right now, so I haven't been able to troubleshoot the cause of my new quadcopter's behavior, but I figured I would share this short video with y'all. It's relatively amusing.
In short, my quad hit a waypoint, turned to the next, then decided to commit suicide. It climbed rapidly, started oscillating, then cut power. I had already switched from Auto to Stabilize, but I never got it back. It didn't seem to respond to my inputs until just before impact.
What do you think is the cause? I have attached the log files.
APM1 with ArduCopter V3.1.2 on an X quad.
Mission Planner 1.2.95
Thank you for the links. I'll work on it!
I see ERROR CODE 9 come back a couple of times. That's a "geofence failsafe". how's your geofence set at the moment?
Type: Altitude
Action: RTL or Land
Max Alt[m]: 25
Max Radius[m]: 150
RTL Altitude[m]: 6