Drones seem to be used in two primary ways. 1) Flying and  2) imaging while flying

Within the area of creating images while flying, this can be further broken down into two primary subgroups. A) Videography  B) Still photography

When the commercial makers of drones identify cameras that are made/marketed/sold on or with drones, there are a few different ways of defining what the camera is. The list includes: 1080P; 4K; 14MP; GoPro and others.

The list of available resolutions go from a few Megapixel to 20 megapixel. The image sensor sizes are sometimes identified and other times that information is very hard to find.

The lenses that are on the cameras are very often described in terms of their horizontal FOV in terms related to the angle measured in degrees. Some mention the 35mm full frame camera equivalent lens focal length in millimeters, and that often gets misinterpreted as the actual focal length of the lens in question.

Where is there a good source of reference materials related to the imaging tools that are available for use on a drone.

Would these topics of Cameras, Lenses, Sensors, and Resolution Specs be worth creating a group or forum?

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