Crius AIOP V1.1 Acting Strange

I have a Crius v1.1 that was working just fine. I wanted to reduce vibrations so i moved the board along with the gimbal controller and power distribution board on top of some kyosho gel instead of the frame directly. Also I added new motors. Since I did not unplug much I assumed it was all fine. When I connect to the computer the A and C light blink back and forth for a little bit then the A turns solid red as if it is armed. It however is not armed...

I know everything is getting power because all of the LEDs come on, even if they have a strange behavior, and the motors will do their startup beeps. If I try to connect in APM (Mission Planner) it seems like it starts fine by saying "Mode changed to Stabilize." The LEDs on the board do their blinks then turn solid red on the A and it looses the link.

If I connect in the terminal, it recognizes that its plugged in and picks up the software version, MPG 3.0.1_R4. If I however try to run any tests or setup, noting works and links are lost etc...

If I try to reupload the MPG 3.0.1_R4 it works just fine and the A LED blinks rapidly as its uploading and stops when its done. So that part seems to be working. But then it goes back to the A C flashing then solid A.

To add another element of weirdness, I tried to connect with battery and transmitter. As soon as I plugged in the battery the motors were beeping constantly. I thought maybe it was in esc calibration. So I put throttle up, disconnect battery, connect battery, disconnect, connect, then it gives me the tones, throttle down, long beep, then normal startup tones. Now when I raise the throttle, the motors spin. There is a bit of a delay, but they are working. I disconnect the lipo and turn off transmitter. If I plug the battery back in, it seems to have lost the calibration and I get the constant beeps again once the battery is plugged in. So all in all, it seems like things are not damaged but something is just off and its not all working properly. While its beeping the flight board still does the A C flashing lights, then solid A.

My setup is the Locust quadcopter from Goodluck buy:
The new motors I am trying to use are SunnySky 2212 980kv.
I have a Devo 10 and RX 1002 Receiver

If anyone knows whats going on or has any suggestions, I am all ears.

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  • It appears the issue was stemming from an external magnetometer. Once I unplugged it and tried everything again, it all worked fine. No idea why the magnetometer would stop working and cause issues for everything else. That issue is now solved and I am back to reducing camera vibrations and tuning PIDs

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