Curious behavior APM 2.6 and v3.1.2 ..


I see a problem with my Hexa ..

My config is :
- Apm 2.6 v3.1.2
- 3DR Radio
- Minimosd
- 2 x 5V bec 3A. in / for the power of APM / Remote receiver / 3DR R adio / Minimosd
- 6 X Mistery Simonk 30A
- 6X Sunny sky 2212 3691103895?profile=originalAfter a flight of a few minutes, I find myself to have a control roll and pitch changing angle (see picture) and to resume normal flight I must be hard booting or change mode loiter or other
Have you had this kind of problem ?


Very thank's


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  • That's ok ! i 'm juste in simple mode and not normal...... ;)

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