Custom drone build - Motors

Hi, I hope someone can help me. I've been planning on building my own drone for a while. I've designed and constructed the framework using 3D printing and aluminium tubing.The main issue is, I don't know which motors and blades to use. The length of each arm is 250mm and the total body weight (excluding electronics) is 473g. Which motors and blades would you suggest I use? I can then design the electronics and power system around these.I appreciate your time to take a look at my project and thank you in advance for your help.- Josh

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  • Hi Josh .... I built a HEXA using HobbyKing's S550 frame that included motors, props and ESC's. Here's the link to the kit I used: Your dimensions and weight reminded me of my build project. I'm hoping the specs. you can review in the link will help with your decisions. Also, I built a quad of a similar size and used the same motors and ESCs for the quad. One quick comment. If you use the PixHawk flight controller don't use EMAX Heli ESCs. I originally couldn't get the FC to talk to the ESCs and after some routing around the internet found a discussion that these ESCs had a capacitor that was the cause of the problem. I quickly replaced the ESCs and it is an awesome flier. Plenty of power and lift ability on both models. Good luck.


    HobbyKing™ S550 Hexcopter Combo (Frame, ESC's and Motors) (ARF)
    HobbyKing™ S550 Hexcopter Combo (Frame, ESC's and Motors) (ARF)
  • Sunny Sky motors and some other motor manufacturers have thrust charts for various suggested propellers. Typically rule of thumb is you want to produce at least twice the weight of your multirotor in thrust. Best thing to do is find a copter similar you what you are planning on flying and using that motor/prop combo as a starting point.

  • Josh take a look at the video at the bottom of the home page

    the one in the video that I am flying is the 22"Scout  

    Tiger Motors 4006-720kv

    12" props.

  • take a look at my website I have built the same thing

    Manta Ray Copters
    At RC Manta our main focus is to offer affordable Aerial Photography and Video. We offer everything from low cost radio controlled helicopters to Lar…
  • Josh,

    The selection of the motors, battery, and props, is fundamental.  If you get it wrong all your efforts are for nothing.

    I seriously recommend you use a prop and motor calculator like, it does have a bit of a learning curve, and, you do need to pay (very small amount) for this service but its worth it for the very important feedback you will get on any proposed combination of devices.  Without this your just shooting in the dark.

    Its critical for your design to hover at 50% throttle or lower.  You can also calculate your flight time, additional payload limit, max speed, and other useful things.  If your an aeronautical engineer you probably don't need an on-line calculator but then you would not be asking for the results of a complicated in important question.

    I don't work for ecalc, I just had success with this system.

  • You can use a tipical 450-500 power combo. 2212-2213 motors (900-960 kv), with 9,5x4,7 props with 4 cell battery

    I think the 3d printed frame not too strong. I'm using TBS Discovery frame clone from China.

  • My unit with all electronics, motors and 3D printed arms weighs in at 434g.  I use multistar 2204-2300 motors wth gemfan 5x3 props.



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