Death of a Skywalker Analaysis Needed.

So I did a huge mistake and did not double check everything before take off along with being to low before I started testing my different modes.  This plane and APM 2 have flown many missions before.  I updated to the new Mission Planner and started over with a fresh install of the Skywalker Prams.  Attached is the Mission Planner log files.  As I switch to RTL the plane flips over and drives straight into an empty tennis court, I try to flip back to manual but hit the wrong switches to slow.  GoPro exploded even with the housing, it was destroyed.  I suspect the plane was not leveled on start up.  I should have double check the Mission Planner screen that it was. 

So anyone that is great at reading the log files, I would love to hear feed back on why it flipped over and dove straight to the ground.



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  • Update.  Seems "Manual Level" was checked in Mission Planner Pids. It seems the "skywalker.param" download file has the Manual Level set to 1!  I think that is where my problem was, it was never leveled properly.  We'll my mistake for not checking everything!

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