Dedicated MP Laptop

 I'm curious about laptop boot up for Mission Planner. I'm fortunate enough to have a couple spare laptops kicking around, so I want to use one for MP only.

I'm an amateur musician who has my own home recording studio and I use a dedicated laptop for that.
When I boot it, I have it set to boot with the absolute minimum services running so it runs at absolute efficiency for it's function. For my studio laptop I have it down to around 12 services running.

So, I'm curious if any one can give me a list for the absolute basic services I need to run MP on a dedicated machine.

As well as MP software, I also run a Telemetry radio and eventually, I'll also be adding a D/A converter to run my FPV feed on the MP screen as well as the FPV screen at my rx.
I won't need wifi or internet (except for updating, which I can boot into full mode for when I want), I also won't be using bluetooth.

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