Default loiter altitude / height

Hi chaps,


I now have around 1.5h of flight time on my Skyfun with APM + MediaTek + Airspeed. So far I am very impressed, but I have a question about the default loiter altitude / height. I guess altitude as I am 100% GPS based for altitude measurement at this time.


I have three flight modes configured at this time: Manual, stabilized and return to launch. The RTL does indeed return to the launch coordinates, but the altitude / height at which it then loiters seems to fixed at whatever it is when the UAV intercepts the loiter zone.


For example, flying from the same location, I can fly some low-level (say 30 feet high) circuits, fly the model away for a couple of hundred feet, maintaining 30 feet height, switch to RTL and it returns and loiters around 30 feet. If I do the same thing at 300 feet high, it returns, descending as it does at zero throttle and then, as I said seemingly loiters at whatever height it happens to intercept the loiter zone.


I see the parameter to configure loiter radius and this works just fine (BTW 30m works great for the Skyfun in still air), but how can I configure the loiter altitude...? It would be very useful to have the UAV RTL and loiter at a pre-determined altitude. I live in Switzerland where there are a lot of mountains - the ability to adapt to the terrain is really important. For example, I launch from the top of a hill, descend the UAV maybe 500 feet during the mission then request an RTL, I'd want a full-throttle, max pitch climb back to loiter altitude / height before entering the loiter.


Thanks in advance,





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