Can someone point me to the indepth comparison between the beam patterns from the sonar sensors? I need to order one this evening.
Much help appreciated. :)
Can someone point me to the indepth comparison between the beam patterns from the sonar sensors? I need to order one this evening.
Much help appreciated. :)
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Pay a lot of attention to the fact that they behave differently depending on what youre trying to pick up. If youre trying to just find the ground, get the one with max distance and wide beamwidth. If youre trying to find scan for a pencil, get a narrower one. Also note that some materials are easier to sense than others. My fluffy bed sheets are quite invisible
just to update this for anyone doing a search. Here is the comparison chart I was looking for. Of course, found on the maxbotix site itself as noted by Chris :)
Did you try their site?