Everybody has had his copter spin the engines unwanted and so did i. It bit me two times so i was wondering how to power the ardu without power on the engines or prevent the engines to turn. Ok the wiki states you have to take off the props before fiddeling with your ardu but you get lazy until you plug in the USB and WHAM @#$!@#@$!$!#@  2 props and two bleeding fingers.


Fist i thought about having a masterswitch between the PWM signals to the esc's to prevent them from spinning the engines. I discussed this with my friend Mario and he was telling me i was thinking much to sceientific about it an came up with a super simple solution. It really makes my life so easy.


As we both run a Lipo low voltage beeper we allways connect the balancing cable to the beeper.

Why not splice 2 wires extra and connect them to a UBEC and let the UBEC feed the ardu with 5V.

As the main power is not connected to the ESC's no worry about spinning props ever!


Mario Clever solution! see more of his project at RC GROUPS click here

Design & build: Mario

Drawing and routing: Pieter



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  • Developer
    That's great. I run a power jumper from the Pitot tube port to the servo rail using a spliced servo cable when I connect with USB. I only connect it where the output for the ESCs are so I don't connect both at the same time. No lipo = no spin-ups!
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