Hello all,I notice that on the page for the Ready to Fly hexacopter Arducopter, there is an option for $55 sonar. I do not see this sonar anywhere for the full assemblage kit of the same hexacopter-style arducopter.Is this sonar actually included? Is it necessary? Should I buy it separate if I get the assembly-required kit?Also, are there any other differences between the two?

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  • I just got finished putting together the Hexa-B Kit. It comes with everything you need to get flying EXCEPT: A.) Battery (I got a 5000mAh 3s, you can also use 4s); B.) Transmitter, probably the most expensive addtl. part. You just need to get one that matches your receiver. C.) Receiver. Sometimes you can get a TX/RX combo, like a DX8 and a AR8000.

    Regarding the sonar, you don't NEED it, it assists with the automation modes during take off and landing.

    Personally, I think building it yourself is the better option. You'll end up realizing how things work as you build it, and you'll save yourself a bunch of money in the process!

    Just make sure you have a decent soldering iron!

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