Different motors powering up at different times.

Hi All,


First of all, APM 2.5 running latest firmware on HexaCopter.


I have an issue where I have calibrated the radio and ESC a number of times.


I have then taken the Hexacopter to the field, connected the LiPo, waited for GPS lock and then on throttle up, sometimes only a couple of the motors will spin.  I will disconnect the power and try again, sometimes different motors spin up.


I have then brought it home, done no more than plugged it into USB, tested throttle and all six motors will spin fine.

Disconnecting USB and running normal LiPo? and all 6 will spin without issue.

The hexacopter is a new build, but it has failed twice in the field powering up, but doesn't when it's on my desk.

Any suggestions please.

Many thanks,


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