Discrepancy between RCIN.C1 and ATT.DesRoll

Hi all,


I am hoping someone can help with a problem I am currently having. I will start by telling you what it is then I will give you some background information.


I am running APM 3.2.1. The flight performance is not what I am expecting so I had a look at the logs and realised that the ATT.DesRoll values are not always matching RCIN.C1. See the graphs screen capture below.


I am passing the RC inputs from the RC transmitter through an Arduino that modifies the RC inputs, based on some indoor position sensors, and spits them out to the autopilot. See RC diagram below.


To me it looks like APM is putting the RCIN data through a sort of dead band filter… Any ideas how to fix that?

I also attached the entire logfile. Thanks for your help.

121 01-01-1970 00-00-00.bin

RC diagram.png

graphs screencapture.png

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