I am new to Drones and RC Helicopters
i want to make an Affordable Drone or RC Helicopter featuring....
1. Live camera or FPV or even a cheap video sys
2. some payload - 1kg to 5kg
3. more than 20 minutes flight time
4. at least 500meters to 1 km control range
5. must be affordable -BUDGET : $1500 to $3000
6. must be NON WI-FI
can be a octocopter/helicopter....... dosent matter as long as it have enough Payload
if you know something similar available in the Market, Please dont hesitate to Recommend
Please Help
Harry, firstly, thank you for updating the post.
Secondly, there are many copters that will do what you're after. Seeing they're linked, the 3DR site has Hexs and Octos that can do what you're after. You'd have to hook up some batteries together to get the flight time you want however. I get 15-17minutes on one battery (3S 4000mah) for my quad - weight about 1.6kgs.
Fat Shark have some easy to use FPV gear (with base station or goggles), or just use a GoPro and video transmitter (many alternatives have been posted here).
Range isn't an issue, any 2.4ghz radio should do that (or go auto). That should all come within your budget.
Hi Harry,
Just a heads up that you're post doesn't fit in with our site terms of service as we do not promote, nor talk about the weaponisation of drones. All but point 2 have been discussed here and answered if you would just search through the forums.
Please do not post anything further regarding weaponisation.