DIY Drones store APM2.0 board Vs. SparkFun?

Hey all,

I'm going to submit an order for a APM2 sometime in the next few days but wanted to run a few things by the community first - haven't worked with it before :). 

First, the DIY Drones store has the full $200 kit (includes GPS) listed here

SparkFun has what I believe to be the APM2 board (2560 series?) listed here

Clearly the DIY Drones kit has more gear with it. Aside from the pins, it includes the GPS module as well as the dataflash module. 

Can anyone give me their 2 cents on which they think is the better buy? (I already have a GPS module from my Arduino GPS shield, but I'm not heartbroken if I get another). 

Is it also accurate that the APM2.0 has all the necessary sensors for the autopilot on the board itself (gyros, alt, GPS) and there is no need for additional sensor input?

Thanks in advance!

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  • That is not an APM2.  That's an APM1.4, and it doesn't include the oilpan, so it won't work anyway.  The APM1 ends up costing more than the APM2 once you have all the sensors included.

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