I'm new to this forum (and drones in general) and I'm having trouble with my DIY hexcopter. I'm trying to connect my Futaba R2008SB receiver to a MultiWii Megapirate Flight Controller and I am unsure how to connect them.

Currently, the transmitter sends signals but the motors do not move at all. I have power at all ESCs and motors. The ESCs have been pinned to the Flight Controller in the correct order. The receiever indicates it is receiving signals from the transmitter, and LEDs on all components indicate they are receiving power. My only uncertainty is which channels on the receiver connect the which channels on the Flight Controller, and pinout diagrams have not been helpful to me. I am using the Futaba T8J transmitter and a 3 Amp Switch Mode UBEC which needs to be connected to the receiever.

Attached are pictures of the Flight Controller and the Futaba R2008SB.



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