diy uav rc receiver relay

Hello everbody,I am on my first drone project and i would like to know how do you people do to relay the rc Rx to the servo with a micrrocontroler ?my 18f runs on 32 mhz and the program that i have made to relay the rc rx would only be giving me 1.4 degrees of precision and be eating 50% of the cpu ressources and leaving no more place for an i2c communication with the IMU ... wich is not an option ...What are the techniques used to do so?

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  • I would need to confirm my theory to test the receiver servo output

    On my 1 channel soundcard oscilloscope, could i connect two servos outputs to a single probe (the other one to ground) to observo two channels at the same time?

    If the servo are all trigerring at the same time, i wont need an ppm decoder ... but i am not able to test right now (all what i am typing right now is done painfully from my ps3)
  • For the ADC i meant the IMU sensors

    for the i/o pinsi have three 8 bit registers so its not a problem
    but i dont have 6 interrupts pin availible so i will probably make a pwm to i2c decoder

    What i need to know then is if the pwm signal are emited at the same time or one following each other if it was ppm decoded
    I will need to scope the rx with my soundcard oscilloscope to get intel
    Any ideas on the pwm output order?
  • And also, what would be a good adc resolution?
  • Does anyone know if there is a ppm decoder in the spektrum ar6100 rx?

    If its using PPM of course ...
  • Its rather a callenge for me, and i can learn more by doing such projects
  • Thank you for your answers

    instead of an ppm encoder, could i use an i2c encoder (wich would be another 18f dedicated to only that) to free my main microcontroler?

    ad also, is my 18f2525 having the nescessary power at 32mhz to sensor fusion the 3 gyros and accelerometers?
  • Developer
    We use an ATMEL chip with hardware PWM timers for reading and outputting PWM. It takes virtually no CPU time because it's done in hardware.

    Google Atmel Fast PWM

    Download Ardupilot to see the technique.
  • 3D Robotics
    There are a lot of efficient coding techniques (you can see the timer-based one we use in ardupilot in the code ), but perhaps the easiest one would be to just use a PPM encoder board to turn 8 hard-to-read PWM signals into one easy-to-read PPM stream,
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