DIY vs Pirates

I am running NG code at the moment, but heard that the Super Stable was out and supposed to be better.

I went to the site and down loaded it.

It seems simpler than the NG. Dip3 sets stable/acro, not by TX switch.


Did I download the right code?

Pirate Code

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  • Ive made this suggestion to the APM coders too. I have multiple versions of the code and using the CLI is great but the information did not change from 1.0.3 until way into beta testing (when I raised the question). When using the CLI it brings up data on the code installed. If with every update you simply change the numbers or details that means those that are testing can keep track of what they are testing and can help the coders decypher any problems quicker as they have full knowledge about what they are running. NG code could be called ArduPirate in the CLI whereas the ArduCopter code would be just ArduCopter.

    If you already have this practice I'll go back to my cave :)

  • Ok. Thanks Randy.

    Im reading through it to see what has been added and what needs to be configured.

    Friday night, 6" of snow and below 10 deg. Man I wish spring was here. I want to fly!

  • Developer

    The Pirates actually own the NG code now and one of their team, is a member of the arduCopter team as well.


    I just had a quick look at the ArduPirates codes, "Super Stable" is a branch of the 1st version of the ArduCopter code which heavily borrowed from the AeroQuad code (ArduCopter was a result of the merger of AeroQuad and ArduPilot teams).  Obviously the Pirates have improved it but that's why it appears simpler, because it's a branch of an older code base.

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