DO_JUMP ... never Jumps. - Help !

Uploaded Arduplane 2.25 and APM Planner 1.0.91 (tried with 1.0.88 as well) and can't seem to get flightplans working correctly.  I had it working before but maybe it's a user error on my part.


If I add any DO_JUMP command into a plan, it will never jump, and simply return to RTL as if the jump was never on the end of the flightplan.

Tried in Arduplane 2.25 HIL and it is repeatable.


Could some one try to see if this works as expected - or more likely I hope I missed something.

Reflashed, erased, re-setup a number of times to no avail.


Below is a section of writing a flight plan into Ardupilot Mega from the console.

************************ WRITING WP's into APM *******************************

Request stream MAV_DATA_STREAM_RAW_SENSORS at 3 hz : currently 0
remote lost 0
bps 1349 loss 14 left 70 mem 43862092
HUD 1 hz drawtime 0 gl True
remote lost 0
bps 1151 loss 14 left 42 mem 45500144
remote lost 0
bps 1139 loss 14 left 91 mem 43860820
remote lost 0
bps 1118 loss 14 left 70 mem 43860756
setWP 0 frame 0 cmd 0 p1 0 x 47.25884 y 11.33107 z 584
set wp fail doing 0 req 0 ACK 47 or REQ 40 : 40 seq 0 ts 1 tc 1
set wp fail doing 0 req 0 ACK 47 or REQ 40 : 40 seq 0 ts 1 tc 1
set wp doing 0 req 1 REQ 40 : 40
setWP 1 frame 3 cmd 16 p1 0 x 47.25915 y 11.33441 z 100
set wp fail doing 1 req 1 ACK 47 or REQ 40 : 40 seq 1 ts 1 tc 1
set wp fail doing 1 req 1 ACK 47 or REQ 40 : 40 seq 1 ts 1 tc 1
set wp fail doing 1 req 1 ACK 47 or REQ 40 : 40 seq 1 ts 1 tc 1
set wp doing 1 req 2 REQ 40 : 40
setWP 2 frame 3 cmd 16 p1 0 x 47.25693 y 11.3313 z 100
set wp fail doing 2 req 2 ACK 47 or REQ 40 : 40 seq 2 ts 1 tc 1
set wp fail doing 2 req 2 ACK 47 or REQ 40 : 40 seq 2 ts 1 tc 1
set wp fail doing 2 req 2 ACK 47 or REQ 40 : 40 seq 2 ts 1 tc 1
set wp doing 2 req 3 REQ 40 : 40
setWP 3 frame 2 cmd 177 p1 1 x 10 y 0 z 0
set wp fail doing 3 req 3 ACK 47 or REQ 40 : 40 seq 3 ts 1 tc 1
set wp fail doing 3 req 3 ACK 47 or REQ 40 : 40 seq 3 ts 1 tc 1
set wp fail doing 3 req 3 ACK 47 or REQ 40 : 40 seq 3 ts 1 tc 1
set wp 3 ACK 47 : 47
setParam 'ALT_HOLD_RTL' = '10000' sysid 1 compid 1
597 ☺flight plan received
setParam 'WP_RADIUS' = '30' sysid 1 compid 1
setParam 'WP_LOITER_RAD' = '60' sysid 1 compid 1
remote lost 0
bps 1107 loss 14 left 28 mem 43748932


************************ READING WP's from APM *******************************


HUD 1 hz drawtime 0 gl True
remote lost 0
bps 1111 loss 16 left 70 mem 44748216
Getting WP #
15/11/2011 2:12:25 AM PC wpcount 27 need 44 55
15/11/2011 2:12:25 AM PC wpcount 42 need 44 45
15/11/2011 2:12:25 AM PC wpcount 32 need 44 0
15/11/2011 2:12:25 AM PC wpcount 30 need 44 40
15/11/2011 2:12:25 AM PC wpcount 74 need 44 12
wpcount: 4
Getting WP0
getWP 0 0 58400 472588386 113310699 opt 0
Getting WP1
getWP 16 0 10000 472591514 113344144 opt 1
Getting WP2
getWP 16 0 10000 472569313 113313026 opt 1
Getting WP3
getWP 177 1 0 10 0 opt 0
Getting WP #
15/11/2011 2:12:25 AM PC wpcount 74 need 44 0
wpcount: 4
Getting WP0
getWP 0 0 58400 472588386 113310699 opt 0
Getting WP1
getWP 16 0 10000 472591514 113344144 opt 1
Getting WP2
getWP 16 0 10000 472569313 113313026 opt 1
Getting WP3
getWP 177 1 0 10 0 opt 0

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  • Developer

    Hey Guys


    Thanks for the bug report.  I found it and squished it. 


    I have uploaded a fix to the trunk.  Were you all running code from the repo trunk or had this made its way in to APMPlanner's hex?

  • Developer



    I have changed the mission logic to be more intuitive with conditional and navigation commands now placed between the two waypoints where they would occur in flight.  I have a new video going over the change sitting in my video camera, but have not had time to edit it for upload yet. The wiki is a little sparse on details.


    However, it looks like your problem is that you are trying to use the jump command as the last command in the mission.  However, the mission logic will always queue the next navigation command before it executed the next conditional or immediate command, as the autopilot has to know where it is going next.  Since there is no navigation commands left it terminates the mission and goes RTL.  This will only be an issue in this particular case where you are trying to use a Jump as the last command.  If you put any sort of a navigation command after it your mission should be OK.  Give that a try and let me know if you still have difficulty.

  • Moderator

    Its usually because of a confusion about how navigation wp's work, which is different from action way points. 


    Make more wp's, and drop the jump in the middle of them, not at the end or just before the end. 

    Then watch what happens, it will be confusing at first, but then you'll see what is missing. 


    Do you have a screenshot of the mission script? It's a bit easier than trying to remember what all the codes and params are from the format above...

This reply was deleted.


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