does .42 have a yaw bug? Log attached

So on RD-8, my APM2560/Oilpan AC2 quad, I got my telemetry working but not my sonar. However I loaded up my little quad, piled on 2 lipos and my camera and did a hardcore flight test in the back yard gusting 15km winds. 


It flew like a dream ignoring the wind gusts due to its small size and heavy AUW and flew for about 9 minutes and then the batteries got low so I ended the flight. but every so often it happened maybe 8 times during the flight, it would decide to make a dramatic and fast YAW adjustment of about 90 degrees. it did not appear to be makeing these adjustments in any detectable pattern and there is no mag installed, only GPS, Telem, and Sonar. I am running .42 beta firmware and .73  planner,  I was logging telem the whole time, I have attached the log but the first 80% of the log is the quad sitting on my bench in the lab with no gps lock. when the gps kicks in, I am actually outside already flying.


More info and pics for RD-8 here:


Thanks for any and all help


2011-09-20 04-38-00.tlog

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  • wrong forum ,,, this ones for traditional heli,s

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